
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

French Riviera

An unforgettable weekend with Trent! We went to Nice, France and then went to Monte Carlo, Monacco for an evening to check out the casino. Nice is so beautiful. It was almost like I wasn't in France (here I was dying for some French onion soup only to learn it's not really a thing there, ugh). It was so, so different from Paris! So tropical and beachy. 

We stayed in a cute, little apartment. (Emphasis on little... It was niiiiice and cozy.) It was in the perfect location, though, so I really can't complain. We were just about a 10 minute walk from the beach and pretty much everything else, so it worked out quite well. 

The first night we were there, we explored the city a little bit. We came across the cutest park that extended for what seemed like miles (that's definitely an exaggeration). It had a little water area where water was shooting out of the ground and then you go up more and theres a grassy area with playgrounds and room to just hang out. Then we grabbed some dinner and went to a cool little pub after called Wayne's. We didn't hit the French going out scene because this place was very American, but it was such a cool place!! The decorations were all vintagey and classic. There was a phone booth above the bar, a traffic light hanging in the middle of the room (which actually lit up based on the bar being "open", "last call", and "closed"), and a plane that "crashed" into the corner of the ceiling. There was a live band playing while we were there, so you know I was all about that. They were actually really, really good, so it made it very enjoyable! 

Saturday, we grabbed lunch, then went to the beach. The beaches are all stones, no sand! Which at first I was kind of bummed about, but then when we were leaving the beach, I realized, "Wow, it's kind of nice not having sand all over everything". Definitely not a beach I would love to be at every single day because it just wasn't the same as a normal beach, but it was amazing nonetheless. Looking out at the water was breathtaking. The water literally just faded into the sky. It was something that I'd never seen before.  After the beach, we went to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner then went home and made dinner. 

Then we were off to Monte Carlo! Monte Carlo Casino is incredibly beautiful. There were a bunch of different rooms/ casinos that you could go in. We went to the free games room first to get warmed up... No luck (no surprise there because it was all slots). Then we headed into the main casino... So. Beautiful. I wish you could take pictures in the actual casino, but I got a picture of the room outside of the casino room and it was so pretty. All in all, we made no money because neither of us ventured beyond the slot machines (ha). Also, because neither of us really knew how to play table games well enough (I, actually, do not have a single clue how to play any table games). 

On Sunday, we were leaving in the middle of the afternoon, so we didn't do a ton, but we climbed up Castle Hill (or something like that, I can't remember what it's called). It was a billion steps (and I developed good ole strep throat over the weekend [shout out Trent for taking care of me :) you're the best] so climbing them was a bit exhausting), but the view at the top was unbelievable. You could see all the way down the coast line of the beach and all the way up into hills and over the whole city. It was so beautiful. Then we got lunch at a yummy beach side restaurant and then went and hung out in the park for our last 10 minutes before we had to leave. 

I wish I was able to spend more time in the French Riviera because there's so many beautiful cities that people have recommended to see in that area. It was a perfect weekend (I feel like I say that every single post I write? Can you tell I'm loving life over here?!)!

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